The Princess and the Pea
“The Princess with the Pea”
Linen Canvas Print
oil painting and collage cardboard and fabrics (hat)
France, 2022
Theme: Portrait of a woman with a cloth bonnet
Style: contemporary art
Size: 40 x 40 cm (2 cm thick)
Dominant colors: yellow, turquoise, orange
Frame and fastening system: American box made of dark anthracite MDF
(, most often fixed using two screws screwed to the wall
Interpretation of the work by the artist:
The painter Géraldine wanted to paint a portrait of a naughty-looking woman with a fabric cap in relief. She enjoys working with cardboard and fabric. She loves the repetitive patterns of certain fabrics which leads to a certain contemplation. She decides to experiment with gluing fabric on cardboard (yellow fabric) and directly on canvas (blue fabrics). The artist even attempted to paint with oil paint on fabric. Successful experience! A painting for the experimental artist.
Géraldine also wanted to continue this game of patterns in painting: polka dots, lines intertwined with baobabs, her "signature" tree. The patterns cause a nice mess and give vitality and movement to the painting The title of the princess with the pea imposes itself. Each pattern can be interpreted as a colored mattress or duvet.
It's up to you to find where the pea is!
Inspiration: portrait of a woman in a fabric setting
Completion time: 6-7 hours
Incubation time between idea and realization: 4 months
Chalkboard challenge: glue fabric and integrate everything with paint
A painting, a poem
" The Princess and the Pea"
Everything turns and turns
Everything is movement
magic all the time
twirling, twirling
another world
in multiple colors
An upside down planet
Lines, patterns intersect
Comfort and discomfort mix
In a confusing setting,
melted into me.
A me, suspended, in parentheses
Let's stay the course
The direction to take
Let's believe in the future
Other similar paintings: you may also like the awakeningand the humming-bird
Extract from the conditions of sale
- Payment: by Paypal, Credit Card or bank transfer. Listed price does not include packaging costs or shipping costs.
- Delivery: two weeks delivery time (excluding school holidays) + transport time.
- Withdrawal period of 14 days from the delivery of the order for exchange or refund (return costs borne by the customer)
- to find out more, see conditions of sale at the bottom of the page
Certificate of authenticity
Each painting is delivered with an authentication certificate attesting to its origin.
Material quality
Canvases on frames are framed by an American box in solid anthracite MDF. They are designed by a framer in Mulhouse. Professional quality oil paints (Van Gogh, Sennelier, Rembrandt, etc.) are used as well as a varnish protecting against UV rays.